Customer Testimonials

"We do our monthly safety training and the classroom portion of our forklift training through J. J. Keller's Training on Demand. This has worked so well for us we've expanded into DOT training. The content covers all the relevant and required material in an easy to understand way that allows our employees to absorb the material, recognize the various hazards, and protect themselves and others. The entire process is efficient and effective."
John Hare
Director of Health, Safety, and Environmental
FloWorks International, LLC.


"Because of the J. J. Keller online training the improvement that we're seeing with the trainee is phenomenal. They seem to be much more educated from day one when they hit the dock."
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Rick Fleischer
Director of Operations & Development
Ward Transport & Logistics
Altoona, PA


"Training on Demand is the best thing I've ever bought from J. J. Keller. I now spend a day and a half less on each orientation."
Sam Lively, Compliance Manager
Red Ball Oxygen
Shreveport, LA


"Training on Demand has made it more convenient to train our drivers who are independent contractors, especially since many of the courses are mobile friendly. The course content is always up to date and includes helpful quizzes along the way along with a final test. I have had many positive responses from drivers after completing the courses. I would definitely recommend this service."
Debbie Raymond
Director of Safety
The Evans Network of Companies
Schuylkill Haven, PA


"I see a marked improvement in the completion/compliance of the daily driver logs among those that completed the [Hours of Service] online course. In general, our drivers are more aware of what the rules are related to the completion of logs."
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Jim Carfora
Lorraine Horse Transport, Inc.
Rockland, MA


"Training on Demand has made training easier because it's so simple to keep track of who has taken what courses. Plus, instead of having to put together our own presentations, the service has entertaining, reliable and to-the-point courses just a few clicks away."
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Catherine Johnson
S B Turf, Inc.
Galivants Ferry, SC


"Training on Demand simplifies my work by providing an easily accessible, interactive learning curriculum on a consistent, web-based platform for employees across varied locations. I would recommend J. J. Keller's Training on Demand because of its quality content, impactful learning, awesome technical support and convenient reporting. Kudos!"
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Johnetta Scales
Training and Development Manager
Gresham, Smith and Partners
Nashville, TN


"The Training on Demand courses have great information and visuals and cover a wide variety of workplace examples without seeming unrelated to anyone's job. The courses are diverse, yet broad enough to be useful to everyone."
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Michelle Lewis
Staff Development Coordinator
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY


"I've been using Training on Demand for seven years, and it has made training much easier. The content is easy for employees to access and understand, and gives them good insight and knowledge. I would highly recommend Training on Demand."
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Lorena Parker
Office Manager/Recruiter
A A T Carriers, Inc.
Chattanooga, TN


"We've trained 50 employees with Training on Demand. With multiple locations in different states, it makes it easier to ensure everyone gets the same training. I especially like the training content, as well as how easy it is to assign courses and track employee progress."
Martha Landreth
HR Director
G & P Trucking Company
Gaston, SC


"With Training on Demand, we can train employees individually, instead of bringing them all into a classroom at one time - shutting down production. By training one employee at a time with headphones on, there are no distractions."
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Mike Cswercko
Director Distribution/Transportation
Shared Service Systems
Omaha, NE


"With Training on Demand I'm able to manage training related to federal, DOT, OSHA, state and corporate requirements - coast to coast - regardless of my location. The centralized recordkeeping and progress monitoring aspects of the system provide me with fingertip access to all my data instantly. The curriculum is reliable and up to date, and the presentations are concise."
Rich Conway
Safety Director


"With Training On Demand, our employees have to actually pay attention to the training. They are really learning something and using that training in real-life working conditions."
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David Myers
Safety Director
Beaver Express Service LLC
Woodward, OK


"Safety is a priority at Quala. With J. J. Keller, we're confident our employees are getting all the training they need."
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John Allen
Training Director
Tampa, FL


"I've been using J. J. Keller's online training for a year and have trained 300 employees with it. I love that the courses are available at employees' convenience and the results are trackable. As a result of using the online courses our safety supervisors get more time in the field rather than the classroom."
Barry Detlefsen
Vice President of Safety
Coastal Transport Co., Inc.
San Antonio, TX


"Training On Demand is our biggest training tool because, with its online platform, my training is taken care of, with a mix of training formats and titles that are up to date and relevant to our drivers."
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AJ Sellers
Director of Safety and Risk Management
Builders Transportation Company, LLC
Memphis, TN


"We chose J. J. Keller over other vendors because their training is thorough, yet clear and concise. We've now been using their online and DVD programs for over 10 years to train our 900 employees. I like how the online courses offer a system of checks and balances — employees have to find the answers on their own. Overall, J. J. Keller's training has helped our drivers understand that violations and citations are more than just a piece of paper. It's helped educate them about the importance of their safety scores, distracted driving awareness, and accident prevention."
Lori Wilcox
Safety Director, Trans-System, Inc.
Spokane, WA


"The hardest part about delivering crucial information to our employees is working around their schedules. J. J. Keller's online training has allowed me to impart the same safety information to hundreds of them, without the time and expense of traveling to their locations. Now we get the same results with interactive online training."
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Curt Burhenn
Safety Director
Peninsula Truck Lines Inc.
Auburn, WA


"To be competitive and respond to business opportunities, we need trained personnel. With J. J. Keller's video subscription service, our team is ready to handle any job."
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Jim Halligan
Director of Safety
Compliance & Training
William B. Meyer, Inc.
Stratford, CT

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